Small Changes make a Big Difference.
We believe in doing our part to keep our planet healthy today by planting the seeds for a better tomorrow. Hackbarth Delivery Service is a community leader and a responsible corporate citizen. We understand that it is our duty to reduce, reuse, recycle as well as to conserve energy and resources whenever possible by implementing our culture of care with effective and simple changes in habits. Small changes make a big difference.
Reducing our energy consumption by conserving electricity as well as fuel by utilizing energy efficient equipment and were the first company in our home city of Mobile to employ an electric hybrid vehicle for deliveries. We recently were awarded the EPA’s SmartWay Transport Partnership. It is a public-private initiative developed jointly by the EPA, businesses, consumers and industry associations to aims to reduce transportation-related emissions to improve air quality, increase supply chain fuel efficiency and protect the environment. Here at Hackbarth Delivery Service, we have set goals to continue to gain better MPG to consume less fuel over greater distances to help further the Partnerships energy savings. To date, the program has effectively reduced emissions, gasses, and fuel that equals to about 10 million cars removed from our roads. This collaborative approach is at the heart of "small changes makes a big difference." By working together today, we help ensure clean air tomorrow.

Wheels Outta Water
We partnered with local environmental groups to sponsor a tire recycling program called Wheels Outta Water, a successful collaboration which was able to remove over 300 tires from local watersheds in Mobile, Alabama. Through Bridgestone's One Team, One Planet initiative to recycle 100% of every tire sold, we helped turn an environmental eyesore into a sustainable solution. These old tires became new playgrounds, rubber mulch, rubberized asphalt, and athletic equipment. Wheels Outta Water is just one of the many environmental partnerships we engage in making our vision a reality.